Cognitive functions of children of mothers with kidney transplant exposed to immunosuppressors during prenatal stage
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Trasplante renal
Escala Wechsler
Aprendizaje Cognition
Kidney transplant
Wechsler Scale


Background. It is not clear if in-utero exposure to immune-suppressors could have a long-term impact on cognitive functions. Objective. The present study aimed at assessing cognitive functions of participants (16 years and older) born of women who underwent kidney transplantation before pregnancy, which exposed their children to immune-suppressors. Method. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III) was administered to eight youngsters exposed in-utero to immune-suppressors (Case group) and eight youngsters born of non-transplanted women (Control group), paired by age, gender, educational stage, and socioeconomic status. The average age for both groups was nineteen years old. Results-discussion. The findings revealed lower scores in the Performance Scale for the Case group, which might point toward an association between exposure to in-utero immunosuppression and attention and processing speed performance.
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