Psychometric properties of the Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale in Mexican women
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Health promotion
Healthy lifestyle Autocuidado
Promoción de la salud
Estilo de vida saludable


The present study aimed to contribute to the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the Appraisal of Self-Care Agency Scale (ASA) in women in early to middle adulthood. A questionnaire was constructed with the 24 items of the ASA scale together with items to explore sociodemographic variables and health behaviors and conditions, including the measurement of weight and height of the participants. The questionnaire was applied to 445 women in early to middle adulthood (21-59 years old). Analysis techniques included confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the one-dimensional model, internal consistency (α coefficient), and other variables relationship analysis such as group comparisons and correlations. We used a slight modification of the original ASA Scale based on the elimination of inverse items. Compared to the original ASA Scale, the reduced version (21 items) presented better evidence of factorial validity and reliability. The analysis of the relationship with other variables was similar in both scales, highlighting the statistically significant group comparison and correlation with the body mass index. We conclude that the Spanish version of the ASA Scale shows evidence of validity and reliability to assess women's self-care capacity, particularly evidence-based relationships with other variables.
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