Validation of a self-efficacy scale for pharmacological adherence (MASES-R) with Mexican hypertensive patients
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Arterial hypertension
Healthy behaviors
Therapeutic adherence
Psychological measurement Hipertensión arterial
Conductas saludables
Adherencia terapéutica
Medición psicológica


Background: According to the World Health Organization, Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH) is a risk for cardiovascular diseases that cause millions of deaths in the world, making it essential to prevent and control it. Primary SAH is associated with behaviors that affect the cardiovascular system and with physiological hyperarousal derived from anxiety, anger, or excessive stress in frequency, duration, and intensity. Secondary SAH is related to underlying pathologies. The etiology of SAH involves taking antihypertensives and modifying behaviors longitudinally. Self-efficacy as a mediator and predictor of healthy behavior has been relevant in the health context, particularly in hypertension as an asymptomatic disease. This condition requires treatment based on a valid and reliable instrument tested with hypertensive Mexicans. Objective: Analyze the psychometric properties of the self-efficacy scale for medication adherence, revised (MASES-R). Design: Instrumental. Sample: 250 hypertensive patients: 146 (58.4%) were women and 104 (41.6%) men, with a mean age of 59.58 years (SD = 9.250). Instrument: The MASES-R scale was analyzed by three experts in behavioral medicine, who approved the translation into Spanish and the validity of the instrument's content. Procedure: Individual participants responded to the scale in a cubicle assigned by a public hospital. Results: The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) extended a one-dimensional scale, a total explained variance of 59.54%, α = 0.94, and Ω = 0.95. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) suggested an adequate adjustment (CMIN/DF = 1.404, p = .070, CFI = .994, TLI = .988, RMSEA = .04) when removing item 3, leaving 12 items, not the 13 from the original MASES-R. Its predictive capacity is suggested by correlations between medication self-efficacy and therapeutic adherence (r = .284, p = .001). Discussion: The MASES-R has adequate psychometric properties; it is brief and easily applicable to the Mexican population.
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