Introduction: Approximately 163 million minors in 93 countries do not have parents or permanent reference figures. Children living in institutions are more prone to developing insecure attachments. However, quantitative studies are still scarce. Objective: To study the possible differences in the type of attachment between institutionalized adolescents and control adolescents raised with their relatives. Method: We applied the short version of the CaMir-R (Cartes, Modeles Individuels de Relation) to 319 adolescents, of whom 20 were institutionalized. Results: Significantly lower scores resulted in security and parental interference in the institutionalized group compared to the control group. In the group of institutionalized participants, a higher percentage of insecure attachment resulted, whereas in the control group, the majority showed a secure one. Discussion and conclusions: The results are consistent with the theoretical postulates and previous studies. These results can be beneficial to prevent psychopathologies in institutionalized adolescents.
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