Recovering gaudiebility: an analysis of the Gaudiebility Scale’s structure
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Gaudiebility scale
Psychometric properties Gaudibilidad
Escala de gaudibilidad
Propiedades psicométricas


The ability to manage and maintain the hedonic experience of joy, named Gaudiebility by Padrós (2000), led to the development of a scale to assess this construct. The scale application to clinic populations offers interesting outputs about the functioning of strategies that maintain and prolong the experience of joy. Nevertheless, the scale's author pointed out the need for further analysis of the internal structure of the instrument due to several limitations. The present study conducted exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses with 476 participating psychology students. It also tested divergent and convergent reliability and analyzed the sensibility to detect the role of gaudiebility as a mediator of perceived stress in life satisfaction. The scale evolved from having one factor and 20 items to one with four factors of second order with 14 items.
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