Instagram addiction and its relationship with the consciousness of the “objectified” body


The main objective of the present study was to examine the relationship between Instagram addiction and objectified body awareness. The sample involved 248 Mexican participants, 68% women and 100% claimed to be users of the Instagram social network. Age ranged from 18 to 24 years, averaging 21 years. The methodology was quantitative and correlational, and contributors agreed to participate voluntarily. The participants showed a slightly above-average addiction to Instagram that correlated positively with factor 1 of the Self Objectification Scale, Self-vigilance, and negatively with factor 2 (Body shame). The present study showed that physical appearance is not significantly related to the use of Instagram and that, on the contrary, less body shame is associated with using this social network. Within the scope of this study, results suggest that using Instagram may bring advantages but also disadvantages, as social media can facilitate social support and the strengthening of self-concept. However, it is also possible for it to lead to self-exploitation. Therefore it is essential to make society aware of this app's moderate and safe use.
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