Experiences and sexual activity of men during their couples’ first pregnancy: Drawings and written narratives


Research on human reproduction focuses mainly on women. The present study focused in men during first pregnancy of their couples. The objective was to examine their experiences and sexual activity during this period. Using qualitative methodology, eleven fathers made drawings and written narratives on the subject. The data were coded and classified case-by-case based on their experiences and sexual activity during the first pregnancy. Results revealed planned and unforeseen pregnancies, but all were finally accepted. There were two kinds of emotional male participation: (1) by biomedical expectations (accompanying pregnant women to gynecological and obstetric care centers, supporting treatments, and learning about the topic) and (2) obedience to sociocultural norms and provider and protector roles of the maternal-fetal dyad. Men's sexual activity involved six types: (a) cautious continuation, (b) adjustment and abstinence near the end, (c) absence of sex due to gestational care, (d) experimentation and enjoyment, (e) reluctance to have sex, and (f) frustrated by the lack of it. All participants opted for maternal and fetal health over sexual pleasure. The results suggest that drawings and written narratives can yield specific findings relatively consistent with those obtained through other methods.

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