Psychosocial factors associated with cancer pain: A narrative review


Pain is a relevant public health problem and is one of the most common symptoms in cancer patients. Identifying psychosocial factors related to cancer pain would allow the development of specific multidisciplinary treatments to mitigate the impact of pain and help improve the patients’ quality of life. Objective: To analyze a literature search of psychosocial variables related to cancer pain. Method: A literature search was conducted on publications made between 2016 and 2021 using the PICO strategy within the Pubmed and PsycINFO databases. We revised 22 studies that met the inclusion criteria in full text. Results: Pain intensity is a predictor of quality of life (and its various dimensions) and interferes with various key aspects of daily life. Patients with symptoms of anxiety and depression are more likely to report greater intensity of pain. Likewise, greater intensity of pain relates to lower self-rated health, less social support, more suffering, and greater pain catastrophizing. Conclusion: The identification of psychosocial variables associated with cancer pain requires the establishment of intervention objectives for future research including non-pharmacological treatment for the modulation of pain perception and the improvement in the quality of life of cancer patients in Mexico.
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