Overtraining syndrome in music undergraduates: Differences between women and men


This study aimed at exploring gender differences in music undergraduate's overtraining syndrome. The study was descriptive, quantitative, and cross sectional. Five hundred undergraduate students from ten Mexican public universities participated: 178 women and 322 men. To measure stress symptoms, we used the ESSEM scale (Reynoso, 2018) and an inventory of Health Conditions. After a comparative analysis, results showed that the primary sources of stress were frustrating extracurricular situations and social distancing. Women scored higher on psychological symptoms of overtraining and reported more illnesses and ailments. Results suggest that women have a higher level of demands to fulfill various roles between family and academic activities and social pressures imposed in musical environments that produce inequities. Results lead to the recommendation of paying attention to the music training environment, the type of teaching exercise, and the requirements of study programs to counteract gender inequities.

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