Online group cognitive-behavioral treatment for youth with drug abuse


Drug abuse is a public health problem on the rise in Mexico. Thus, it is necessary to develop psychological treatments based on empirical evidence. The cognitive behavioral approach has shown to be effective for the management of substance use disorders. Likewise, developing other modalities of dissemination of treatments generates more alternatives for users. On the one hand, the group modality favors developing social skills and forming support networks. Telepsychology also facilitates access to psychological care services. The objective of the present investigation was to measure the effect of a group cognitive behavioral treatment carried out at a distance. Six video call sessions created a space for group members for asynchronous interaction. The changes measured included the pattern of daily consumption through self-recording, as well as symptoms of anxiety and depression. We used an intrasubject design with three participants to assess the impact on using alcohol, marijuana, and sedatives. Through five measurements: pre and post-treatment and three follow-ups, results showed a reduction in consumption with a medium effect in two cases and a significant effect in one. Total abstinence did not occur in any case but, a clinically significant reduction occurred regarding mood symptoms.
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