Effectiveness of integrative psychotherapy in a parentized adolescent with anxiety symptoms


Anxiety is a problem that has increased in the adolescent population in recent years, primarily due to the Covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, affective and emotional stability in adolescence stage can be threatened by parental conflicts, which link to the relationship among family members. Frequently roles are reversed, with the children being those who take on the role of parents or caregivers. The present single-case study, sought to implement and evaluate a psychological intervention that allows us to understand how Integrative Therapy works in working on parental conflicts, which, in turn, increase anxiety levels. The psychotherapeutic process included forty sessions along three phases: diagnosis, intervention, and closure. At the end of the intervention, significant progress resulted in anxiety management. Similarly, the patient managed to improve her interpersonal and family relationships since she learned to set limits that, in turn, reduced the conflict with her parents.

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