Psychometric properties of EPIC-Sexual Function in Mexican men
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Validation study
Sexual dysfunction
Mexican men
Psychometrics Estudio de validación
Disfunción sexual
Hombres mexicanos


Background. Male sexual function results from a complex interaction of psychological, neurogenic, and vascular factors; an interruption in any part of this process leads to sexual dysfunction. Since sexual dysfunction in Mexico seems prevalent between 30% to 35%, it is necessary to have a valid and reliable scale to measure sexual functionality in the male population. Objective. To determine the psychometric properties of the scale of the Composite Index for Prostate Cancer for sexual evaluation (EPIC) in Mexican men. Method. Study design: cross-sectional, non-experimental instrumental. Participants were 206 men aged 20 to 73 years. Instruments. The Expanded Composite Index for Sexual Function and the Functional Assessment of Chronic Diseases-General Population. Results. An internal consistency of .93 resulted, including an explained variance of 67.6%. The confirmatory factor analysis yielded a two-factor model (Sexual function and Sexual distress) with indexes suggesting stability and adjustment. Discussion. The Mexican version of the EPIC has reliability and validity and has a factorial structure like the original one. Results lead to recommendations for clinical practice and research, including using the scale in men with different sexual affectations.
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