Comparison of video game addiction between Mexican male and female students
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Comportamiento adictivo
Adicción a videojuegos
GASA Addictive behavior
Video game addiction


Currently, video games are considered a hobby that in some cases can become a behavioral problem. The aim of this research was to explore the differences to video games addictive behavior in students according to their educational level and gender. A non-experimental, cross-sectional, ex post facto was design. Through a non-probabilistic sampling, by quotas, a questionnaire was applied to 520 public schools students of the State of Veracruz, Mexico (130 students at each school level: elementary, middle, high school and associate’s degree). The Game Addiction Scale for Adolescents (GASA) Short version made of seven items was used. Girls in elementary school presented a significantly higher percentage of symptoms related to addictive behavior to video games in comparison to male students. In contrast, male middle school, high school, and associate’s degree students registered significantly higher percentages of addiction to video games compared to females. The findings obtained allow us to understand that at a higher level of studies the way in which men and women relate to video games changes; at elementary school women presented higher percentages of probable addiction to video games, which decreased in those who presented a higher scholar level. In men, an inverse situation was observed, which allows us to identify that the use of video games is colored by the construction of identity and aspects related to a change when passing from adolescence to youth.
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