Effect of a behavioral activation-based treatment. Deppressive-anxious symptomatology and sleep in university students: A pilot study
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Activación conductual
Sintomatología ansiosa-depresiva
Calidad del sueño
Estudiantes universitarios Behavioral activation
Depressive-anxious symptoms
Sleep quality
University students


Depression and anxiety disorders are a worldwide problem reducing the quality of life of people suffering from them; the COVID-19 pandemic increased these symptoms, affecting specific populations. Behavioral Activation Therapy has evidence of its efficacy in these disorders. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a psychological treatment based on Behavioral Activation on anxiety and depressive symptoms and sleep quality in university students. The study used an intrasubject design with pre-post measurements and a one-month follow-up. The participants were four female university students with anxiety and depressive symptoms classified from moderate to severe and received a group intervention of nine sessions. The results analyses included calculating the size of the clinical effect of the variables studied using Cardiel's Objective Clinical Change Coefficient, concluding that the Behavioral Activation intervention was effective in reducing anxiety and depressive symptoms, increasing the quality of sleep, and maintaining the results at follow-up.

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