Research in the psychology of organizations on retirees has dealt mainly with measuring the impact of retirement itself on people. The present study focused on the variables related to a group of retirees' subjective well-being and quality of life. A test battery was constructed and applied to 150 retirees from Cuernavaca Morelos (Mexico). The multiple regression analysis showed that the predictors of perceived well-being were related to a low score on the anxiety scale, the position held during the working years, and a low score in depression and giving to charities. Regarding the quality of life, the predictors involved positive appraisal of situations, confidence, and low scores in depression and anxiety. The present results suggest that if adjustment and balance are not present during retirement, distress, and maladjustment to this change in life could develop, which tends to have repercussions on the retiree's mental health.
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