Introduction. Fibromyalgia is a chronic rheumatic disease whose main characteristic is a persistent deep aching over most of the body. Several studies show that depressive symptoms in patients with fibromyalgia can worsen the disease's course, magnifying the pain's impact. The present study aimed to compare the effect of two psychological therapies on reducing depressive symptomatology in 27 women with fibromyalgia. Method. Female participants were randomly assigned to Attachment-Based Compassion Therapy (ABCT) or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). The DASS-D depression scale served to collect data at three-time points: pre-treatment, post-treatment, and three months after the end of the treatment. Results. A repeated measures analysis of variance revealed that the reduction in depression after treatment was significantly greater in the ABCT group compared to the ACT group, and this effect remained at the 3-month follow-up. Discussion and conclusions. ABCT seems a more effective treatment than ACT for reducing depressive symptoms in fibromyalgia patients.
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