Influence of family, friends, and age in alcohol abuse in adolescents
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Problematic consumption
Alcohol consumption
Motives Adolescentes
Consumo problemático


Introduction. In Mexico, the influence of alcohol consumption by family and friends on occasional and excessive alcohol consumption in adolescents has hardly been studied. Likewise, few studies relate he age at first alcohol use and heavy alcohol use. Objective. To compare the alcohol consumption of referred relatives and friends among non-consuming adolescents, occasional users, and adolescents who consume alcohol in excess and explore the relationship between the age of first consumption and alcohol abuse. Method. Data collection involved a small, structured ad-hoc survey and the AUDIT scale. Results. The consumption of family members and friends affects alcohol consumption in adolescents. However, no relationship resulted between the age of onset and alcohol consumption. Discussion. The absence of a relationship between the age of the first consumption and the pathological consumption of alcohol does not mean that the consumption of alcohol at an early age is a good practice. These results can be beneficial for the prevention of alcohol consumption in adolescents.
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