Effects of problem-solving therapy on self-care of informal primary caregivers of palliative care patients
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Pacientes crónicos
Cuidados paliativos
Intervención cognitivo-conductual
Solución de problemas Non-professional caregivers
Chronic patients
Palliative care
Cognitive-behavioral treatment
Problem solving


Assuming and carrying out the care of patients with chronic conditions who will no longer respond to curative interventions, i.e., palliative care, represents a significant emotional and behavioral burden, with cognitive implications and harmful effects on the health of those who provide such care. In developing countries, this responsibility often falls on family members who receive no financial compensation and get exposed to all the stressors of the situation, with serious adverse effects on their psychological adjustment and physical health. The present study evaluated a cognitive behavioral, problem-solving intervention in caregivers of palliative care patients in a large public hospital in Mexico City. The results revealed from modest to large improvements in the self-care behaviors of the participating caregivers. The main findings' discussion revolves around the context of unmet institutional needs and recommendations for designing and delivering interventions and methodological caveats for future studies.

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