The role of depression, anxiety, and risk behaviors in health professionals: A review
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Risk behaviors
Health professionals Depresión
Conductas de riesgo
Profesionales de la salud


Objective. Analytically describe the effect depression, anxiety, and risk behaviors have on the health team. In these psychosocial factors, recognizing that health personnel suffers from depression is vital to excellent or inadequate health care for the general population; if it is not detected, it cannot be treated. The condition must not evolve since it can be associated with attempts or suicide; it is common in inmates, residents, and attending physicians due to the stress they experience. Anxiety is frequent because there is a responsibility to preserve life in the health team, then frustration, suffering, helplessness, fear, apprehension, and worry arise. Regarding risk behaviors, high exposure to risk factors such as alcohol consumption, tobacco, and a sedentary lifestyle dramatically affects general health and life expectancy for many years in health personnel. We consider it necessary to carry out more systematic studies on psychosocial factors in health professionals, where it is imperative to have a broader vision of the mental health situation that they are going through and that allows the implementation of strategies that strengthen working conditions, preventive medicine, in addition to improving and guaranteeing a better quality of care for patients.
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