The Dual-Factor Model of Mental Health in Adolescents: Relevance of both intrapersonal and contextual protective and risk factors
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Dual-Factor Model of Mental Health
Contextual variables Modelo Bidimensional de Salud Mental
Variables contextuales


The present study tested the Bidimensional Model of Mental Health in a sample of 315 adolescents, with 56.2% of females and a mean age of 15.15 (Dt = 1.52) from 12 to 17 years old. The model proposes the conformation of different groups, namely: 1) complete mental health (high well-being vs. low psychopathology, 47.2%); 2) vulnerable (low well-being vs. low psychopathology, 17.3%); 3) symptomatic but happy (high well-being vs. high psychopathology, 21.6%) and 4) with problems (low well-being vs. high psychopathology, 29.9%). The troubled and symptomatic groups obtained the highest means in both intrapersonal risk variables, such as a tendency to worry, psychological inflexibility, and dysfunctional perfectionism, and contextual, referring to perceived hostility of both parents; on the contrary, the healthy group obtained higher means in functional perfectionism and perceived affection of both parents, which, however, were lower in the vulnerable group. Therefore, the vulnerable and symptomatic groups share similar risk factors to the problem group and risk getting over-looked in mental health services. The results are discussed in the context of the studies reviewed, and more profound research on comprehensive adolescent health is proposed.
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