Online clinical supervision program for cognitive-behavioral therapists at hospital settings: a pilot study
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Supervisión clínica
Terapia cognitivo-conductual
Contextos hospitalarios Clinical supervision
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Hospital settings


Background. Clinical supervision is essential for improving clinical skills in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapists who care for patients with chronic diseases in hospitals. Tele-supervision is a viable and safe alternative in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic. Objective. To evaluate the effect of an online clinical training and supervision model on the clinical skills of advanced, licentiate-level cognitive-behavioral therapists. Participants. The study included six psychotherapists in training who were advanced students of a university-based psychology licentiate training program. Method. The study used a pre-experimental design. Measurement included cognitive-behavioral knowledge tests, self-assessment, and role-playing clinical skills during clinical sessions. Cognitive-behavioral therapists with vast experience caring for patients with chronic diseases conducted the supervision. Before and after comparisons on training and online clinical supervision led to the main findings. Results. Regarding knowledge, a significant increase resulted in a scale evaluating the application of therapeutic principles and techniques. Direct observation and self-assessment revealed significantly increased clinical skills with large effect sizes (Cohen's d index> .80) for conceptualization, intervention, collaboration, briefing, feedback, effective use of time, and closure. Moderate effect sizes (Cohen's d index> .50) Increased diagnosis and treatment skills also increased presentation, framing, and understanding. Discussion. The present study of online clinical supervision shows favorable results in acquiring and improving clinical skills to care for patients with chronic diseases in hospital settings. Moreover, it highlights the effectiveness of virtual assessment tools and online supervision formats.
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