Interventions to improve quality of life in older adults: Systematic review with PIO questions
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Systematic review
Older adults
Quality of life
Physical exercise
Cognitive training Revisión sistemática
Adultos mayores
Calidad de vida
Ejercicio físico
Entrenamiento cognitivo


Demographic change projects an increase in the number of older adults, so it is essential to have adequate strategies to promote a healthy life. The objective was to carry out a systematic review of the publications from the years 2015-2020. The analysis used the PIO questions technique : P (population of interest), I (intervention), O (outcome/result) in the Pubmed, PsycInfo, Ovid, and Redalyc databases, and MeSH terms older adults'; physical activation; cognitive training and quality of life. The search included the Boolean NOT connector with fragility and disease. Of the total articles (n = 1651), articles published before 2015 (n = 643), without access to the full text (n = 323), with participants with comorbidity (n = 312), were discarded since interventions included programs for populations with different diseases. Eleven published articles were selected, leading to a Flow chart. The main findings describe the techniques used in the professional's profile and variables. In conclusion, cognitive training improves memory, inhibition, flexibility, selective attention, self-esteem, and quality of life. In comparison, physical exercise promotes increased muscle tone, balance, and strength and a lower risk of falls. The findings suggest combining both interventions leads to enhanced effects and favors a better quality of life.
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