Burden and positivity in informal primary caregivers of people with Down´s syndrome
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Síndrome de Down Burden
Down’s syndrome


There is little scientific literature on the burden of caregivers of people with Down Syndrome (DS), which refers to attitudes and emotional reactions to the experience of caring and the life of caregivers concerning the variables that play a modulating role of charge, as in the case of positive affects. Objective. To analyze the relationship between care characteristics and positive and negative effects on the burden in informal primary caregivers of DS who attend educational institutions in Guadalajara, Jalisco. Method. The sample consisted of 18 informal primary caregivers; the study applied the Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale and the Positivity Self-test. The majority of the participants are women, married, with studies at the bachelor's level, who, in addition to care work, have a formal job and present a slight burden. Results. A positive correlation resulted between the total burden and the negative emotional experience and perception; in addition, the years as a caregiver correlated positively with the impact of care and expectations of self-efficacy. Discussion. This study highlights the need for early interventions in caregivers of people with Down syndrome that promote positive affect and reduce the burden.

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