Adaptation of remote cognitive behavioral therapy for childhood depression: A case study
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Cognitive behavioral therapy
Children Depresión
Terapia cognitivo-conductual


This article describes adapting an online cognitive behavioral treatment for depression in a seven-year-old girl. It highlights the challenges of adapting an evidence-based intervention tested in clinical practice in a face-to-face setting for implementation via the Internet. The study presents a case illustrating the practical and technical aspects of implementing the intervention and demonstrates the feasibility of achieving successful outcomes by providing care via the Internet. Treatment was evaluated and implemented at the onset of social isolation due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The program helped to reduce depressive symptomatology, as well as its comorbidities (anxiety, attention deficit, and behavioral problems), in addition to improving two of three treatment goals. However, firm conclusions about treatment efficacy cannot be drawn until more rigorous methodological designs are available. The study identifies directions for future research.
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