Currently, suicide is a public health problem in all states of Mexico; its occurrence and the worldwide dynamic increase keep occurring year after year. In first-world countries and developing ones, mental health disorders are the main trigger for suicidal behavior, leaving in it is wake devastating psychological consequences for the families of the patient who performs the suicidal act. A notable increase of almost double the number of completed suicides occurred in Nayarit between 2013 and 2018. These data stemmed from the mental health department of the Health Secretariat at Nayarit and the offices of the forensic medical services of the state attorney general. The present study used a descriptive, time-series design, employing suicide deaths in Mexico over six years, reflecting the epidemiological increase in suicide deaths. It is necessary to urgently apply the existing strategies recommended by the World Health Organization and Mexican health institutions for the prevention of suicide, as well as to implement strategies to detect suicidal behaviors on time and generate better psychological and psychiatric support for patients with already detected mental disorders. All of the above leads us to reflect on the various predisposing factors that could have caused this increase in suicides in Nayarit, Mexico.
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