Evaluation of the Grawe’s Consistency Model in Mexican Population
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Consistency model
Basic psychological needs
Psychological evaluation
Mexican population Modelo de Consistencia
Necesidades psicológicas básicas
Evaluación psicológica
Población mexicana


Mental disorders represent one of the leading social problems in the world, revolving around several theoretical models to support integrative interventions. Grawe’s Consistency Model states that four basic psychological needs must be satisfied to maintain mental health. These needs refer to attachment, self-esteem, control or self-efficacy, and decreased pain and increased pleasure. Although some studies have analyzed the relationship between these constructs, few studies focused on evaluating Grawe’s model. Objective. The present study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the four basic psychological needs in the Mexican population. Sixty-one participants: 29 men and 31 women, were administered a series of scales measuring the abovementioned four constructs. Results. Results showed significant correlations in the different scales and subscales. Discussion. The present study allowed a greater understanding of the basic psychological needs raised in Grawe’s model in the Mexican population; however, the study had some limitations and cautionary aspects for future studies.

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