Assessment of cognitive functions in people with chronic kidney disease compared with transplant recipients and healthy ones
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Central nervous system
Neuropsychology Hemodiálisis
Sistema nervioso central


Introduction. The present study was carried out due to the few previous studies on cognitive functioning in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), especially comparing transplant recipients with patients receiving hemodialysis treatment. Objective. To compare cognitive functioning in people with CKD under hemodialysis treatment, post-kidney transplantation, and healthy people. Method. The study applied standardized neuropsychological tests: MoCa Test, King Figure, and Token Test to assess cognitive functions. Results. Better cognitive performance occurred in the screening test and visual memory in the control and the transplanted groups than in the hemodialysis group. Discussion. The findings suggest that people with chronic kidney disease with transplant treatment improve cognitive performance significantly after 6 to 12 months after the intervention.
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