Introduction. The satisfaction with life scale (SWLS) has been validated in different parts of the world and has proven to be a reliable instrument to evaluate this construct. However, the studies in Mexico with a clinical population have been fewer than those conducted in school environments. Objective. To evaluate the psychometric properties of the SWLS in a clinical sample attending psychotherapy in an outpatient setting. Method. The study used sampling by availability with 170 participants attending psychotherapy in a clinic in Juárez, Chihuahua. Reliability analysis used the alpha model and the construct validity through exploratory factor analysis (EFA), using the extraction method: principal component analysis and orthogonal rotation. Additionally, the study used the KMO and Barlett tests. Results. A good internal consistency was obtained (α = .83). The EFA confirmed a one-dimensional structure that explains 60.60% of the variance, presenting a relationship between the items. The Bartlett's sphericity test indicated effect c2 = 320.28, gl = 10, P < .001, and the KMO sample size adequacy indicator was .827. Discussion and conclusions. The satisfaction with the life scale presents good internal consistency and construct validity, which agrees with other reported findings. These findings show that the Mexican version of the SWLS is reliable and valid within clinical settings, which is why its use within this context is suggested.
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