As a result of the health contingency derived from a large number of COVID-19 infections, various worldwide strategies aimed at reducing the spread of the virus. In Mexico, the instruction "Healthy Interpersonal Distance" involved efforts to social distancing for the population. Thus, evaluating the perception of stress generated by such situations became necessary. The development of the Scale of Stressors related to Social Distancing by COVID-19 contributed to this end. Objective. To describe this process and analyze the scale's psychometric properties with a sample of 2,656 residents in Mexico. After the exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the final version consists of 16 items grouped into four factors after eliminating ten items. The results show satisfactory indexes for the total of the scale and each factor. The present findings suggest that the scale is valid and reliable for evaluating the stressors related to situations of social distancing. However, the confirmatory factor analysis still requires implementation.
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