Family coping strategies in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: Differences between parents and their children
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Estrés familiar
Afrontamiento familiar COVID-19
Family stress
Family coping


Introduction. The SARS-CoV-2 virus caused the COVID-19 pandemic is a non-normative stressor that has made Mexican families use external and internal resources to cope with this stressor. Objective. To describe the coping strategies used by Mexican nuclear families to face the pandemic's effects and compare the perception of these strategies depending on the participant's age, gender, and family role. Method. Using a descriptive study, a scale to analyze the Mexican family coping strategies in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic was applied to a total of 854 participants. This scale was shared using Google Forms and through social media. Results. The family coping strategy with the highest mean was collaboration and spousal support. A Mann-Whitney U test explored differences in the coping strategies used by Mexican families. The test showed differences for the mother/father sample regarding communication and family system support, collaboration and spousal support, fraternal support, and mother-son conflict interactions. Other differences found regarded daughters and spousal violence and mother-daughter conflict interactions. Conclusion. Families in the post-pandemic future will require social policies where mental health is a shared goal for specific sectors, such as political, educational, and social protection.
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