The COVID-19 pandemic has generated various changes in people's health-related behaviors. This study aims to examine the perceived change in health behaviors and general health among Mexican adults (aged 18-60) during this health emergency and determine the related sociodemographic, health, and psychosocial characteristics. A total of 568 completed the online survey. Measurements included Improvement or deterioration of general health and six health behaviors, including quality of diet, physical activity, sleep quality, sedentary lifestyle, and consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Multinomial logistic regression models evaluated related sociodemographic, health, and psychosocial characteristics. Most participants reported that the quality of their diet, sleep, and general health were similar to that before the pandemic, that they have decreased their physical activity, tobacco and alcohol consumption, and increased their sedentary lifestyle. Changes in behaviors were related to sex, age, education, occupation, economic difficulties, physical health condition, having had COVID-19, depression, anxiety, stress, and social support (p<0.05). The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the practice of health behaviors related to physical and mental health. These findings suggest evaluating the impact of these changes in the short and long term is recommended, as well as comprehensive interventions to modify psychobiological-related factors.
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