Stress perceived during the COVID-19 pandemic in university students of Popayán (Colombia)
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Estudiantes universitarios
Salud mental
Pandemia de COVID-19 Stress
University students
Mental health
COVID-19 pandemic


Objective. Identify the stress level perceived during the COVID-19 pandemic in University students de Popayán-Colombia. Material and methods. Descriptive correlational study with a probabilistic sample of 295 students from a public university, to whom the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) was applied after the assent and signing of the informed consent through an electronic form, using descriptive methods of central tendency and dispersion, and a Pearson correlation (p < 0.05) with the SPSS, v. 24.0, software. Results. It was possible to determine that the university population presented a level of stress in the last month due to the isolation process that is developing worldwide. In the same way, a high significance (p = 0.000) was found between the sense of nervousness with the concern about not overcoming difficulties. Discussion and conclusions. University students manifested a component that affected their mental health, mediated by socioeconomic conditions and expectations of the future in the academic and social fields, having a more significant effect on men. These results stress the need to suggest prevention and promotion measures related to mental health.
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