Habits, relations, adaptation, somatization, and mental health disturbances during Covid-19 pandemic in Mexico
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Actividad física
Adaptación Physical activity


Objective. To assess the impact of COVID pandemic social distancing measures on living habits, adaptation level, and somatization in a sample of 7,693 Mexican participants. Method. A one-wave PSY-COVID online survey was voluntarily completed after being distributed throughout México from June 4 to July 21, 2020. Results. Men reported a more significant impact of the COVID pandemic on Physical Activity. Women reported a higher impact on sleep quality, work activity, and partner and family relationships. Youth reported a higher impact on their lifestyle habits and suffering to adapt to the general conditions of the pandemic. Life habits assessment has little predictive power on pandemic adaptation. High correlations resulted among all three adaptation items—over half of the studied sample during the pandemic reported headaches in at least one day. Discussion and conclusions. Identified vulnerable groups, such as women and youth, must lead demanded psychological care priorities.

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