Emotional support for Covid-19 patients in intensive care units and for their families
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Unidad de cuidados intensivos
Apoyo emocional
COVID-19 Intensive care units
Emotional support


Hospitalization of a patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) generates an intense impact on the patient, family, and health professionals. With the arrival of COVID-19, this impact gets compounded by uncertainty, discomfort in the patient, loss of functionality, stress, anxiety, depression, and even guilt for family members. Therefore, it is important to include effective coping mechanisms, especially if isolation does not allow physical interaction between the patient and his or her family. The present study aimed to describe an intervention performed with relatives of patients admitted to the ICU with COVID-19 and reflect on the emotional support provided to families. Through telephone calls with family members, the application of different therapeutic skills, and the receipt of audio, videos, photos, and prayers to be played to patients, the emotional accompaniment and support performed helps to address the stressors in family members associated with COVID-19 hospitalization in an ICU. In turn, applying the protocol shows increased development of empathy in health professionals.

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