Cognitive-behavioral and solution-focused intervention for managing unemployment stress during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Terapia cognitivo-conductual
Terapia centrada en soluciones COVID-19
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Solution-focused therapy


Objective. To evaluate the effect of an online workshop combining cognitive-behavioral and solution-focused therapy to reduce unemployment stress or uncertain work situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and increase problem-solving skills. Method. The study used a pre-experimental design with an online workshop of five sessions. Five participants completed the Mexican version of the Perceived Stress Scale, and the Revised Social Problem-Solving Skills Questionnaire, before and after the workshop. Results. Stress decreased and problem-solving skills increased. Participants identified their resources and increased their self-confidence to face the situation. Functional expectations of a future without the problem also improved. Discussion. The results were satisfactory in that the intervention proved effective, reaching the objectives by integrating cognitive-behavioral and solution-focused therapies.
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