Psychometric properties of the Scale of Criminal and Violent Behavior in the Classroom in adolescents from southeast Mexico
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Violent behavior
Scholar violence
Screening. Conducta violenta
Violencia escolar


Antecedents. Violence in school environments has become of public interest because school disruptive behavior is becoming a more frequent and severe problem. The prevalence of this type of violence impacts society, which is why adequate instruments should support research and treatment. Objective. This study aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of the Scale of Criminal and Violent Behavior in the Classroom by categorizing disruptive behavior, violent behavior, and victimization of students from the southeast Mexican state of Oaxaca. Method. A total of 393 ninth-grade adolescents participated: 211 women (53.7%) and 182 men (46.3%) aged 14 to 16 years. Analyses included Internal consistency, coherence with other variables, and discriminative capacity of the items. Results. Adequate internal reliability resulted. Items represented 52.4% of the variance, assessing three domains: disruptive behavior, violent behavior, and victimization. A correlation between family satisfaction, depression, risky eating behaviors, and impulsiveness resulted. Discussion. The scale proved to be a reliable and valid instrument to estimate criminal and violent behavior by students in the classroom in the represented geographical area.
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