Cognitive Appraisal and Stress Scale: Analysis of its psychometric properties with cancer patients
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Cognitive appraisal
Psychometric analysis Estrés
Evaluación cognitiva
Análisis psicométrico


Antecedents. The transactional stress model has been used to study the behavior of oncologic patients throughout their diagnosis and medical treatment. The variability in the patients' behavior and its repercussions on therapeutic adherence are susceptible of analysis, based on the cognitive appraisal of the situation and the individual's resources to cope with the demands of the environment. Objective. The present study aimed at developing the Cognitive Appraisal and Stress Assessment and assessing its validity and reliability. Method. The study was cross-sectional, with a sample of 200 patients from the oncology service at Juárez General Hospital in Mexico City. Analyses included exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and internal consistency. Results. The results show that the scale is made up of 30 items in two factors: Primary Appraisal with 13 items, and Secondary Appraisal with 17 items. The main findings suggest that the scale has adequate properties in terms of reliability and validity, and maintains theoretical coherence with the transactional stress model.
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