Psychometric properties of the Self-compassion Scale (SCS) in Mexico
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Negative affect
Meditation Autocompasión
Atención plena
Afecto negativo


Antecedents. Self-compassion is the capacity to be in contact with one’s own suffering, while maintaining an open attitude towards the experience, and generating the motivation to alleviate it through a kind attitude, free of prejudice. It also includes understanding painful experiences as a common phenomenon in human existence. Objective. The aim of the present study was to adapt and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Self-compassion Scale in Mexico. Method/participants. A total of 343 Mexican citizens, recruited through a non-probabilistic sampling participated. Results. Data analysis revealed good reliability of the instrument and adequate goodness-of-fit for the scale, thus confirming a six-factor structure and a higher order factor. Discussion. It is concluded that this instrument is adequate to assess Self-compassion in Mexico.
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