Measurement of psychological well-being through the use of self-support questionnaires. A systematic review
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Bienestar psicológico
Instrumentos de medición
Propiedades psicométricas Psychological well-being
Measurement instruments
Psychometric properties


Objective. To analyze the most frequently used self-report instruments to measure psychological wellbeing and reviewing their validity. Method. An analysis of the scientific literature included original articles on the psychometric analysis of self-report scales measuring psychological wellbeing and described the instrument and its validity. Databases searched included CONRICYT, Dialnet, Redalyc, SciELO and Scopus. A total of 1069 articles initially resulted, leaving seven final publications for analysis. Results. The results indicate that the studies examined the instruments' psychometric properties, and most of them reported acceptable reliability and validity, according to the established quality criteria. Discussion. All the instruments showed benefits and the seven scales are the most representative of the authors on psychological wellbeing. It cannot be established which is the best, since each scale was assessed on different populations, and their results depend on the correct adaptations.
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