Academic achievement and sexual behavior of men and women recently entering college
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University students
Academic achievement
Risky sexual behavior
Sexual debut
Condom use Jóvenes universitarios
Rendimiento académico
Conducta sexual de riesgo
Debut sexual
Uso de condón


Objective. The present study aimed to evaluate different aspects of the sexual behavior of male and female students of recent college entrance. Method-Participants. A total of 473 sexually active students assigned to High and Low academic achievement groups completed the Sexual Health University Survey. The variables assessed included characteristics of sexual debut (planning, place, kind of partner, condom use, demand for condom use, among other aspects). Data also included the last sexual encounters or pattern of sexual behavior (condom use, frequency of intercourse and condom use in the last three months, and consistency of condom use), and three sexual health problems (pregnancy, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases). Results. The results suggest that the students with low academic achievement are at greater risk in their sexual life than those with a high one. Discussion. The present findings emphasize the need to design health promotion strategies in school settings and educate healthy young people in the sexual area.
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