Background. Performance anxiety is a well-known phenomenon among professional musicians. Meditation-based techniques, particularly treatments based on compassionate mindfulness, have emerged as an intervention option for this population group. Objectives. To assess the feasibility of a compassionate mindfulness intervention to reduce anxiety in music students. Method. The present study was experimental with a pre-test design without a comparison group. We recruited 20 students who participated in an intervention consisting of 8 sessions of 120 minutes, given once a week. Before and after the intervention, psychometric evaluations evaluated anxiety, mindfulness, and compassion levels. Similarly, measurements included heart rate and salivary cortisol measurements. Results. Trait and state anxiety levels and physiological variables did not show significant changes. However, we found a statistically significant increase in the level of compassion and a tendency for improvement in mindfulness levels. Conclusions. Future research must increase mindfulness practice. We also suggest using comparison groups and recommend evaluating the musical performance of each participant.
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