Suicidal risk: influence of self-harm, eating behavior, and subjective pain
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Risky eating behavior
Subjective pain
Acquired capacity for suicide Autolesiones
Conducta alimentaria de riesgo
Dolor subjetivo
Capacidad adquirida de suicidio


Objective. To explore the acquired capacity to commit suicide, the influence of disordered eating behavior (DEB), self-harm, and subjective pain on the suicidal risk of adolescents. Method. An online survey obtained a sample of 423 young women, in which DEB, suicide risk, depressive symptoms, and self-harm were evaluated. Two one-way ANOVA and post hoc tests analyzed the differences between control groups, with self-harm, with DEB, and with both problems regarding suicide risk and depressive symptoms. Likewise, two one-way ANOVA and post hoc tests compared groups with different degrees of subjective pain after self-injury. Results. The comorbid group and the pain habituation group showed higher scores but did not differ significantly in all the groups. Conclusions. Cases with comorbidity require special attention, as well as those adolescents with self-injury who may become accustomed to pain.
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