Evaluation of feeding problems and food-refusal behavior in children with autism spectrum disorders
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Behavior problems
Autism spectrum disorder
Food selectivity Problemas de conducta
Trastorno del espectro autista
Selectividad alimentaria


A problem frequently reported by caregivers of children is food-refusal behavior. Evidence shows that this problem worsens in children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). In Mexico, the prevalence of these problems in this population is unknown. Objective. To conduct an exploratory and descriptive study of the prevalence and characteristics of eating behavior in children diagnosed with ASD. Method. Caregivers of children diagnosed with ASD answered a questionnaire expressly designed to collect information on difficult and problematic behaviors during mealtime, feeding practices, food preferences, medical information, food consumption by the family and children and socio-demographic data. Results. Showed that 62.2% of children presented eating behavior problems at mealtime. The most frequent were leaving the table and food refusal. Children with behavior problems ate less food than children without behavior problems. Results also revealed a correlation between the number of foods consumed by the family and the child. Discussion. The main findings of this study represent an initial approximation to the evaluation of pediatric feeding problems in children with ASD in a Mexican population.

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