Personalized psycho-educational program for diet adherence of patients with diabetes and obesity: A pilot study
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Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Instrumental behaviors
Health Diabetes mellitus tipo 2
Conductas instrumentales


Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a worldwide public health problem associated with obesity and overweight. A strict diet is a critical part of the treatment, but it is common for patients to have difficulty adhering to it. The literature reports a variety of techniques increasing adherence, but there is not an evident a common factor among them. Objective. The present study sought to assess possible differences between two modalities of psycho-educational programs with differing levels of personalization. Method. The modalities were designed according to specific patients' needs and led to advancement along materials only when participants showed effective learning in each step. Eleven, randomly-assigned patients composed a personalized condition and ten a non-personalized one. Seven and five participants respectively completed the program, through a pretest-posttest design. Data collection included an adherence index scale and other physical records related to weight. Results. The main findings revealed that the difference between both modalities in the post-test was not statistically significant in any indicator. However, differences resulted significant between pre-test and post-test measures of the personalized intervention, with large effect sizes for most indicators. Discussion. Findings are discussed in terms of the program components likely to have made the difference, the benefits of the measures used, the experimental design, and the recommendations for entry-level diet adherence.
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