Child mental health and the treatment gap in Mexico
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Child and adolescent mental health
Treatment gap
Models of treatment delivery Salud mental en niños y adolescentes
Brecha de tratamiento
Modelos de prestación de tratamiento


This article focuses on the treatment gap, which refers to the discrepancy in the proportion of the population in need of services and the proportion that receives them. Currently, in Mexico, but also worldwide, most individuals in need of mental health services receive no treatment. The authors focus on the treatment of mental disorders among children and adolescents because most mental disorders arise during these periods of life. The article discusses barriers to receiving and delivering services among people in need. The paper underscores the importance of providing treatments that are scalable (can reach large numbers of people) and have reach (can extend to groups that are often neglected in mental health care). Multiple treatment delivery models are identified and three of them are illustrated in detail: task shifting, edutainment and best-buy interventions. These and other models permit reaching more individuals in need of mental health services and reducing the treatment gap in Mexico.
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