Treatment of Depression in patients with Heart Failure: Effects of a CBT intervention via telephone
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Insuficiencia cardiaca
Sintomatología depresiva
Calidad de vida
Participantes vulnerables Within-subjects study
Heart failure
Depressive symptomatology
Quality of life


Background. Heart failure (HF) is a chronic disease whose symptoms and course produce significant physical limitations and psychological deterioration. HF patients with depression and anxiety perceive their quality of life as particularly impaired. Objective. The present study aimed to examine the efficacy of a cognitive-behavioral intervention via telephone to reduce depressive symptomatology in patients with HF. Method. Recording included depressive symptomatology (Beck BDI-II inventory), anxiety and depression (HADS), and physical and emotional quality of life in HF, (Minnesota). Additionally, a numerical visual scale was applied to assess perceived anxiety and a behavioral activation record. Procedure. Based on a pilot analysis of needs detection, the intervention assumed a modular structure. After reviewing conceptually, in depth, with the participants the topics of deep relaxation training, behavioral activation, problem-solving, dysfunctional thoughts, and relapse prevention; specific clinical techniques on these variables were implemented. Design. The study used a within-subjects design with a one-month follow-up. Results. The main findings show that the intervention was effective in relatively medically stable patients, with a lower effect in patients with exacerbated physical symptomatology. Perceived quality of life showed a trend towards improvement without statistically significant differences. Discussion. The treatment of depressive symptomatology in HF with this care format was feasible and easily accessible for participants in conditions of socioeconomic vulnerability.
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