Background. Currently, there is a growing interest in knowing how adolescents cope with situations in which they are bystanders to cyberbullying. Thus, the need arises from having valid and reliable instruments to investigate this phenomenon, with adequate psychometric features. Objective. This study aimed to provide new relevant information on the validity of the Coping with Cyberbullying Strategies from the Observer's perspective Inventory (IEAC-O) in Spanish, through confirmatory factor analysis. Method. The instrument measures the degree to which adolescents tend to use six types of strategies to deal with possible cyberbullying situations in the event of becoming observers. Such strategies include aggressive actions, reporting, ignoring and deflecting concern, gathering evidence and seeking support, avoiding the bully, and stopping using social networks or the internet. The sample included 997 adolescent high school and baccalaureate students aged 12 to 19 years. Results. The findings showed adequate factor loadings, coefficients of determination, and adjustment values. There were also satisfactory reliability levels and statistically significant differences by gender. Discussion. These and other results are discussed regarding the academic literature on coping with cyberbullying in adolescence. The present findings provide valuable data on the validity and reliability of the IEAC-O to measure cyberbullying coping strategies in Mexican adolescents. These findings should help design new studies and prevention interventions.
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