Burnout syndrome, anxiety, depression and reproductive cycle in informal caregivers of cancer patients
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Burnout syndrome
Informal caregivers
Reproductive cycle Síndrome de burnout
Cuidadoras informales
Ciclo reproductivo


Background. The activities of informal caregivers are highly demanding, stressful, and are generally associated with emotional overload leading to negative effects on health. This is relevant since burnout syndrome manifests itself when people cannot adaptively face stressful situations when they feel impeded to modify them. Such responsibilities are frequently carried out by women whose gonadal hormonal changes affect her mood. Objective. To determine if the stage of their reproductive cycle has an impact on the likelihood of developing burnout syndrome, anxiety, and depression symptoms. Also to determine if there is a hormonal protective effect that might be helping informal caregivers cope with the demands of their work. Method. The sample consisted of 37 informal caregivers of cancer patients evaluated for Burnout syndrome, anxiety, and depression symptoms. For a more specific analysis, participants currently reproductive were compared to postmenopausal caregivers. Results. Moderate positive correlations emerged among these dimensions not implying a cause-effect relationship. No burnout syndrome, anxiety, or depression resulted in the group of postmenopausal caregivers, but they also reported greater family support. Discussion. Results suggest that the absence of plasma fluctuations in gonadal hormones (postmenopausal) and higher perceived emotional support protect against burnout.

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