Introduction. Anxiety and depression symptoms frequently occur as two main deleterious effects in cancer survivors. Hence, their valid and reliable detection is critical in order to develop and implement timely psychosocial care. Objective. To Validate the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in a sample of Mexican breast cancer survivors. Method. Through a cross-sectional study with a non-probabilistic sample, 188 women patients aged 52.8 years on average and an a mean survival time of 4.4 years, from a specialized cancer hospital in Mexico City participated. Most participants were diagnosed with early stages of the disease (IA-IIB). Results. A confirmatory factor analysis yielded two factors confirming the original structure, with an overall alpha of α = .831 and an explained variance of 53%. Discussion. This version of the HADS shows good psychometric properties with favorable fit indexes. It is a valid and reliable scale for use in clinical care and research settings with Mexican breast cancer survivors.
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