A comparison of anxiety and depression between three regions of Mexico during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Mental health Ansiedad
Salud mental


Background. In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a public health emergency of international concern due to COVID-19. Many countries implemented social distancing as a preventive measure for the increase in infections. The consequences reported by various countries due to these measures included increases in symptoms of anxiety and depression in the general population. Objective. The present study aimed to determine the effect of this health contingency on depressive and anxiety symptoms in university students from three states of the Mexican Republic during the initial social isolation phase. Method. The sample consisted of 168 undergraduate students from three Mexican states: Estado de Mexico, Hidalgo, and Baja California. The study applied digitized versions of the Hamilton Anxiety Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory in April, 2020. Results. Although the findings revealed a wide range of symptoms, significant differences occurred between Hidalgo and Estado de Mexico as compared to Baja California. Discussion. These results emphasize the importance of undertaking actions to reduce these consequences in the Mexican population, should the sanitary measures persist indefinitely.

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